With critical infrastructure being of particular interest to bad actors, the need to reinforce cybersecurity in the utilities industry is more important than ever.
Cybersecurity threats in healthcare are escalating, and the sector recently experienced a 55% increase in cyber attacks, resulting in over $13 billion in losses.
Operational resilience in finance has taken up residence as a major focus of regulators in some nations, and it is a trend that shows many signs of spreading.
Thorough planning attention to detail and intelligent use of feedback mechanisms are all integral pieces of the puzzle when establishing a vendor risk management program.
At Venture Lynk, we speak a lot about the entire VM process, the associated challenges, and best practices. Here is an overview of our vendor risk assessment process.
There are few industries in which a data breach can be as damaging as in the financial industry, therefore preventing data breaches in finance is paramount.
Marketwatch Press Release: Venture Lynk to provide Enterprise Risk Management severices for The Wound Pros, a fast growing healthcare biotech startup specializing in wound care.
Third-party vendor management compliance is a major component of any robust VRM program and especially so in the financial, healthcare, and cybersecurity industries.
Vendor risk management challenges are becoming more amplified as businesses adopt technology, which has catapulted the field of third-party VRM into the limelight.
Security of sensitive data can best be assured in a zero-trust security posture. Here are five zero trust adoption best practices that you should implement now.